Heutagogy, a concept developed in 2000 by Stewart Hase, refers to the study of self-determined learning. This approach focuses on the role of online instructors as a coach, a mentor or facilitator and further encourages learners to become more self-directed.
Peeragogy aims to be direct and more concrete. Peer-based learning is referred where peers or group of learners learning together and teaching each other. So feel free to use them interchangeably. The key principle that drives Peeragogy is co-learning or co-creating. Participants are able to use digital tools to co-construct knowledge and connect with each other.
Cybergogy focuses on helping adults learn effectively in a virtual environment. At its core is the awareness that face-to-face learning strategies may not apply to distance education and virtual media. This makes Cybergogy uniquely applicable to online instruction. It combines the fundamentals of Pedagogy and Andragogy and considers the unique benefits of technology-enabled learning for better learning results.