Learning and teaching computer/technology-based courses are quite challenging especially to learners with diverse knowledge/skills background. Therefore, to conduct a learning and teaching approach that acts as “one-size fit all” needs creativity of the instructor.
We started to explore the blended learning approach embedded with suitable innovative pedagogies that involved learners actively in learning. Based on the styles of thinking and way of life of nowadays millennials, 21st century innovative pedagogies are needed to deliver those courses with the assistance of technology tools in learning that aligned with their needs.
We faced quite challenging situations where the percentages of students who failed the courses are quite high that is around 20-30% every semester. Hence, our learning and teaching must be transformed and changed to be fair and support students with various backgrounds.
Besides that, to remain align and successful in 4IR, there is a need for us to make learning at anywhere, anytime practical, and equip our students with the marketable skills/values through crafting immersive and inclusive environment for all, and engaging/meaningful tasks which act as scaffolds for learning to continue beyond class hours.