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By Students of (MPPP1223)
Passionate. This is one word that I could describe overall about Prof Zaida. I learned first time about heutagogy and peeragogy from her class. Plus, Prof Zaida is informative because she knows clearly about the subject. She encourages the students to engage the content with the real life situation and let us to explore the solution by discussing our answers in e-learning. Â Prof Zaida also fully utilised the learning source during the class. We enjoyed her class as we learned a lot of new things.
I had the privilege to learn authoring system subject under prof zaida this semester. The subject wasn’t an easy one but prof zaida’s lessons made it easy to understand. Truthfully, every week will be looking forward to attending the class and anticipate what new lessons that will be taught and learnt in that particular week. She is very passionate in her teaching and enthusiastic. Her lessons are engaging and exercises given are more on real life practices. She will conduct the classes in creative ways and every lesson she conducted increased my interest more on the subject. Her self-reflection activities, instructors-experts and peer-peer teaching (peeragogy), knowledge sharing based teaching through heutagogy learning has increased my learning process on the subject. She emphasized on lessons by highlighting on current issues, past experiences and latest technology. This is in par with what is needed for my field of educational technology.
“I really enjoyed Prof. Zaida's class. She really provide useful guidelines for the beginner in authoring software like me. She also use various approach in her teaching. In the first class she allowed us to do activity with partner by discussing the survey questions about our experiences on creating website or programming. In this activity I interact actively than before where I voiced out my opinion rather than 100% listening. So far only through her class I experienced heutagogy and peeragogy. I never heard about those two word since pedagogy is more familiar with me. I found that these activity are more fun and it make me more curious in my learning. For heutagogy activity it trained me to be more independent where I search the materials first. even though I struggle a little bit during the activity but I enjoy the process. Meanwhile peeragogy activity make the friendship between me and Kavitha (my partner) closer. Thanks to Dr. zaida allowing us to share and complete the task. Actually from the activity we combined the idea I mean Kavitha confident in designing and alignment the layout of the website. Meanwhile I confident with connecting the dreamweaver with database. From the activity I learnt that it much faster if we share and combine the knowledge that we gained. Last but not least I would like to talk about the roles of Dr. zaida in the class. She is an excellent facilitator for us in the class, she guide us with lot of cares. Even when we give wrong answer to her questions, she appreciated our responses and encouraged us to try again. She also able to relate the content with the real world situation. This action make us easy to digest the lesson content. If I have other chance to enter her class, I will register her class again.” - DAYANG NORSHEILLA HAIRUL ANAM
Masters student in Educational Technology UTM
“Prof Zaida, a good lecturer who has vast knowledge on her field.
Each day, before we attend her class, she will let us know the class activity in advance as a guide and hence we will self prepare the work to achieve an excellent learning effect. We learned the subject by involved actively in discussion forum among peers and experts, self-reflection on articles or journals and assignments. I am so lucky because I have a Prof. Zaida who is willing to share her experience and views. Her passion and enthusiastic about teaching paths encourage us to think more creatively in our task as well as life.” - THAM CHON MENG
Masters student in Educational Technology UTM
“I still remember the first two lessons with Prof. Dr. Zaidatun. A teacher-led learning approach was used and it deemed necessary for us as the students, to rely on Prof. Dr. Zaidatun as the primary source of knowledge, due to the fact that we are still new to the Adobe Dreamweaver. A proper guidance, demonstration and explanation by Prof. Zaidatun, did greatly improve my understanding and knowledge towards this software. Most important of all, Prof. did spurred my interest to try and build a dynamic website from scratch. Learning is not all about spoon-feeding. Prof. Dr. Zaidatun did introduced two instructional approaches to us. They are the heutagogical and peeragory learning at which we as the students play a major role to ensure the learning takes place. Heutagogical learning approach has encouraged collaboration among peers during the lesson. Meanwhile peeragogy made the learning experience a more meaningful and friendly. Furthermore, we are able to develop our subject knowledge through practice and reflection. All in all, Prof. Dr. Zaidatun is a passionate person who loves to see her students learn something from each of her lesson. There were times when the content was too overwhelming for us to digest, but her patience and guidance helped us to overcome the difficulties in learning. Sometime we need a person to stimulate our interest and curiosity in web development and Prof. Dr. Zaidatun is that person. Thank you, Prof. May God bless you for more abundantly than all you can even ask or think.” - YU KOK HUI
Masters student in Educational Technology UTM
Teacher at SMK Skudai
“Mengambil subjek Authoring System bukanlah pilihan saya. Saya takut memandangkan saya langsung tidak ada basic authoring. Saya sangat risau tidak dapat mengikuti kelas dengan baik. Saya ada merujuk senior yang telah mengambil subjek ini dan sejujurnya saya stress memikirkan kelas yang bakal saya lalui. Saya memang tidak ada basic langsung buat website apatah lagi menggunakan Dreamweaver. Tapi perasaan takut, stress dan tak suka tu berubah sedikit demi sedikit. Banyak yang saya telah pelajari di bawah bimbingan Prof Zaida. Beliau mempunyai gaya yang tersendiri untuk menarik minat pelajarnya untuk belajar sesuatu yang baru. Semangat beliau untuk mengajar subjek ini sangat tinggi dan semangat itulah yang sampai kepada saya dan kawan2. Banyak kaedah pengajaran yang Prof Zaida gunakan dalam pengajaran beliau yang menarik minat saya. Bukan sahaja dalam kelas tetapi Prof Zaida juga banyak membantu membimbing saya melalui WhatsApp. Hasil dari kelas Authoring System, saya dapat membantu sekolah suami saya menghasilkan sistem pendaftaran subjek secara online. Inilah pembelajaran yang saya mahukan. Apa yang di pelajari di peringkat master ini, dapat digunakan dalam bidang yang saya ceburi, bukan sekadar pada sijil semata-mata.” - NORSHAFRINAWATI HARIRI
Pelajar Sarjana Teknologi Pendidikan UTM
Guru SMK Mat Kilau, Pahang
“First , it was difficult for me to understand Authoring system concept though Prof. Zaidatun taught us very well. Maybe because it is a quite complex course, so i couldn't be able to understand the content quickly. So, i was left behind compared to my peers. But, i didn't give up. I seek for help and guidance from my classmates and also seniors to catch up with the left contents. Peer activity which conducted by Prof Zaidatun was very helpful for me especially to clear out all the doubts. She was one of the most caring lecturer i have known. She will explain again if we didn't understand certain contents. Developing application for the smartphone was very fun and i was able to complete it. Now, i have so much interest on developing application. It wasn't possible without Prof Zaidatun encouragement and fun way of teaching. Thank your for the encouragement and new knowledge that you've shared with us Prof. I think i won't be able to learn this anywhere except attended Prof Zaidatun class.”
Masters student in Educational Technology UTM
Teacher at SK Taman Desa Skudai Johor
“I enjoyed to be in Prof Zaida class specifically in Authoring System subject. She is very resourceful and always sharing her experiences regarding the lesson.She always come up with new ideas which requires the students to consistently engaged in the subject. She opens for discussions at all times and encourages us to always reflects everything we learnt in class.” - NURULHUDA UMAR
Masters student in Educational Technology UTM
Teacher at Cherie Hearts International Preschool Eco Botanic
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